Vision & Mission Statements

Vision: To educate students to become the world leaders of tomorrow.  

Mission: To nurture students’ individual potential for creativity, academics, and service to others and help them achieve their career and education goals, nurturing the development of citizens of the world through a mix of rigorous core subjects, elective student-led clubs, theme-based classes, and numerous creativity and project-focused offerings.


Community Service: Students of YIA are taught to aid one another, their teachers, and their communities.

Creative Productivity: Students of YIA are provided with innumerable opportunities to be creative and imaginative, built right into our curriculum and core philosophy.

Respect and Integrity: Students of YIA are treated with respect and expected to pay this respect forward to all; the foundation of all our rules is from the standpoint of respect, whether it’s respect for oneself, one’s peers, one’s leaders, one’s parents, or one’s community.

Purpose and Discipline: Students of YIA understand the importance of self-discipline. Furthermore, they are also taught to be goal-oriented, setting personal objectives and demonstrating the capacity and the determination to achieve those aims whether they are short-term goals or more long-term commitments.

Eight Knightly Virtues: Courage, Courtesy, Graciousness, Honor, Humility, Loyalty, Mercy, Sacrifice.